Recommended Reading: Fran's Favorites
For your convenience, clicking on these titles will take you to pages on Amazon.com where you can purchase these books. An effort has been made to select the edition that you can receive as quickly and economically as possible. Books marked
with * are available only on a limited basis.
Abrahamson, Eric and David H. Freedman.
A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder (learn how moderate disorganization can lead to
greater success)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Atwell, Nancie. In the Middle: Writing, Reading,
and Learning with Adolescents (implementing
workshop approach to writing and reading)
Austin, Carrie. Drawn into the Heart of Reading (a multi-level approach to reading instruction that enables students at different levels to study the same literary concepts simultaneously using books of
their -- or the teacher's -- choice)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Baldwin, Bruce. Beyond the Cornucopia Kids
(successfully raising children in an affluent
Calkins, Lucy. The Art of Teaching Writing
(including sections on children's writing
development from kindergarten through junior high
school, writing various genres, connecting writing
with reading, conferencing)
Calkins, Lucy and Lydia Bellino. Raising Lifelong Learners: A Parent's Guide (how to maximize the partnership between home and school to encourage the development of literacy, a work ethic, and curiosity in all curricular areas)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Codell, Esmé Raji. How to Get Your Child to Love Reading (a treasure trove for parents, teachers, librarians, grandparents, anyone who cares about children and books; in addition to 3,000 recommended titles, it provides activities, ideas, and inspiration for exploring everything in the world through books)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Bonnie M.
How to Teach Students Who Don't Look Like You: Culturally Relevant Teaching Strategies
(a practical tool to help
teachers understand the "unique lens" through which their
students view the world -- and develop strategies to teach them)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Deskin, Gerald and Greg Steckler. When Nothing Makes Sense: Disaster, Crisis, and Their Effects on Children (readable, practical guide that
helps adults and children prepare for and deal with various kinds of
disasters mentally, emotionally, and physically)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Douglas, Julie. A Parent's Guide to St. Louis
(a practical guide to a family-friendly city)
Dowis, Richard.
The Lost Art of the Great Speech: How to Write One--How to Deliver It (an extremely readable guide to all aspects of crafting and delivering an excellent speech)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Faber, Adele and Elaine Mazlish. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
Fadiman, Ann.
Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader (a collection of essays recounting "a lifelong love affair with books and language")
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
(vignettes of people from
various backgrounds who form a community of
gardeners in a vacant lot; an excellent tool for
building community among educators, parents, and
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Fountas, Irene C. and Gay Su Pinnell. Guiding Readers and Writers: Grades 3-6 (a comprehensive manual for nurturing lifelong learners by turning your language arts classroom into a reading and writing community)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Marcia S.
Listen to This: Developing an Ear for Expository (use
models to help students improve their expository writing)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Gilbert, Susan. The Land of I Can (helps people of all ages cope with
change; celebrates the resilience of the human spirit) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Goldberg, Bernard. Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Grannie Annie Books (Based on interviews with their
family storykeepers, children aged 9-14 retell stories from
their family's history. These anthologies, published annually,
bring history to life and provide invaluable models for students
who might want to submit their own stories to The Grannie Annie
in the future. Next year your
child could be a published author!)
Hall, Susan. Using Picture Storybooks to Teach Literary Devices: Volume Two (Using Picture Books to Teach)
Fran's Review in
Hallowell, Edward M., M.D. When You Worry About the Child You Love (provides the explanation that empowers parents to act decisively in dealing with a wide range of children's problems)
Hallowell, Edward M., M.D. and John J. Ratey, M.D. Driven to Distraction: Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder from Childhood Through Adulthood (Softcover) (Audiotape)
----- Answers to Distraction (presented in a question-and-answer format grouped into chapters covering specific aspects of ADD) (Softcover)
Healy, Jane M. Ph.D.
Your Child's Growing Mind: A Guide to Learning and Brain Development from Birth to Adolescence
----- Endangered Minds: Why Children Don't Think And What We Can Do About It
----- How to Have Intelligent and Creative Conversations With Your Kids* (concrete suggestions for helping children improve thinking and communication skills by engaging them in open-ended discussions about questions without right or wrong answers) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
----- Failure to Connect: How Computers Affect Our Children's Minds-- and What We Can Do About It
Dave, editor. Listening Is an Act of Love: A Celebration of American Life from the StoryCorps Project
(interviews of ordinary people, which resonate
with all of us)
Kirschenbaum, Valerie.
Goodbye Gutenberg: How a Bronx Teacher Defied 500 Years of Tradition and Launched an Astonishing Renaissance (a beautiful book that chronicles the age-old marriage of word and image, and proposes "designer writing" to make text more accessible to readers)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Verlyn. Several
short sentences about writing (a new book already predicted to
become a classic on a par with White's The
Elements of Style. Klinkenborg challenges the "wisdom" we have
received about writing, saying that, in fact, such "wisdom" can become an
obstacle for writers. Several
short sentences looks like no other book you have ever seen. It has no
chapters or even headings, and each sentence begins on a new line. The book
includes a number of "first steps": experiments for writers to try in order to
see what will work best for them. Surprisingly readable, enjoyable, and
Lakoff, George.
Don't Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate
(a linguist explains how the metaphors we live by affect our
political choices)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Latrobe, Kathy H., Carolyn S. Brodie, and Maureen White. The Children's Literature Dictionary: Definitions, Resources, and Learning Activities (includes 325 terms relevant to children's literature).
Fran's Review in
Levine, Mel. A Mind at a Time (developmental-behavioral pediatrician
provides hope and help for all learners, especially those experiencing problems) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Lima, Carolyn W. and John A. Lima. A To Zoo: Subject Access to Children's Picture Books (catalogs nearly 23,000 titles in more than 1200 subjects). Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Mellonie, Bryan and Robert Ingpen.
Lifetimes: The Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children
(appropriate for both preschoolers and adults--and
everyone between) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Morris, JacLynn and Paul L. Fair, Ph.D. From Me to You: The Reluctant Writer's Guide to Powerful, Personal Messages (will help you to
eloquently communicate your
innermost thoughts and feelings, creating memorable gifts that are as
rewarding to give as to receive) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Dear Miss Breed: True Stories of the Japanese American Incarceration During World War II and a Librarian Who Made a Difference (includes letters from young people to the
librarian who befriended them during their incarceration -- and
many other primary sources)
Fran's Review in LinguaPhile
Prechtel, Cindy. Using the Internet in Your Homeschool (for teachers and other lifelong learners as well as for homeschoolers; a categorized, annotated guide to about 1,000 websites; a terrific resource)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Ravitch, Diane. The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn (an objective -- yet impassioned -- look at the threat posed by censorship that pervades educational materials in the United States)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Reiss, Fern. Terrorism and Kids: Comforting Your Child
Rozakis, Dr. Laurie. SAT 2400! : A Sneak Preview of the New SAT English Test
(practical, user-friendly guide with sample tests, fully explained answers,
and test-taking strategies)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Schlafly, Phyllis. Turbo Reader (a user-friendly phonics approach for
people of all ages) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Senn, Linda C.
The Many Faces of Journaling: Topics &: Techniques for Personal Journal Writing  Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Trelease, Jim. The Read-Aloud Handbook: Fifth Edition (the
rationale behind reading aloud to children as well
as many specific suggestions for material)
English Language
For a comparison of these dictionaries, see
Macmillan Dictionary for Children
Webster's New World Children's Dictionary
DK Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary
For a comparison of these books of idioms, see http://www.grammarandmore.com/edu/archive/issue25.htm#review
Terban, Marvin. Scholastic Dictionary Of Idioms
Broukal, Milada. Idioms for Everyday Use - Student Book
Longman Pocket Idioms Dictionary
Spears, Richard. NTC's American Idioms Dictionary
, 3rd ed.
Spears, Richard. Essential American Idioms 2nd ed.
Brandreth, Gyles. The Joy of Lex (word games
from A to Z and back again)
Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (a celebration of all aspects of human language)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Elster, Charles
What in the Word? Wordplay, Word Lore, and Answers to Your Peskiest Questions about Language .
Read excerpts.
Garg, Anu.
Another Word A Day: An All-New Romp through Some of the Most Unusual and Intriguing Words in English .
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Grothe, Dr. Mardy.
I Never Metaphor I Didn't Like: A Comprehensive Compilation of History's Greatest Analogies, Metaphors, and Similes
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Oxymoronica: Paradoxical Wit & Wisdom From History's Greatest Wordsmiths
(a celebration
not only of people's wit and wisdom but also of the paradoxical nature of our
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Viva la Repartee: Clever Comebacks and Witty Retorts from History's Great Wits and Wordsmiths
Fran's Review
in "LinguaPhile"
Lederer, Richard. Anguished English: An Anthology of Accidental Assaults Upon Our Language (a collection of language bloopers
guaranteed to make you laugh)
----- Crazy English Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
----- The Miracle of Language (guaranteed to
increase your appreciation of English) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
----- The Play of Words: Fun & Games for Language Lovers
----- Pun and Games: Jokes, Riddles, Daffynitions, Tairy Fales, Rhymes, and More Word Play for Kids
Lipton, James. An Exaltation of Larks (an illustrated collection of terms that metaphorically name a group of people or things, such as "a crash of rhinoceroses"; some of these date back to the
15th century) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Lundquist, Joegil. English from the Roots Up (building vocabulary by studying Latin and Greek roots)
Michael. Ballyhoo, Buckaroo, and Spuds: Ingenious Tales of Words and Their Origins
(corrects many common misperceptions)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Lynne. Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation (a lively look at the vital role
punctuation plays in our written communication)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Heller, Ruth. World of Language series (small books with colorful
pictures illustrating concepts) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Merry-Go-Round: A Book About Nouns (small books with colorful pictures
illustrating concepts)
----- A Cache of Jewels and Other Collective Nouns
----- Mine, All Mine: A Book About Pronouns
----- Many Luscious Lollipops: A Book About Adjectives
----- Kites Sail High: A Book About Verbs
----- Up, Up and Away: A Book About Adverbs
----- Behind the Mask: A Book about Prepositions 
----- Fantastic! Wow! and Unreal!: A Book About Interjections and Conjunctions
Poetry to Read
Cassedy, Sylvia. Roomrimes * (delightful sight
and sound images about rooms starting with each
letter of the alphabet; employ various forms from
haiku to the Shakespearean sonnet)
Janeczko, Paul B., ed. Going Over to Your Place .
Merriam, Eve. Rainbow Writing *.
By Children for Children
Chbosky, Stacy. Who Owns the Sun * Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Grannie Annie. (annually published collections of historical family
stories written by young people in grades 4 through 8; an index of all stories
published helps you find stories on particular topics to enhance curriculum) http://thegrannieannie.org/Books.html
Vollmer, Dennis. Joshua Disobeys
Novels, Stories
Laurie Halse.
Thank You, Sarah: The Woman Who Saved Thanksgiving
(beautiful picture book that fosters appreciation
for the Thanksgiving holiday and for the woman who
worked tirelessly to preserve it)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Armstrong, William. Sounder (a
sharecropper's family faces adversity; a Newbery
Award winner)
Avi. Nothing But The Truth: A Documentary Novel (stark
documentary novel that presents no commentary but
through a series of documents shows how an incident
can escalate; should be required reading for
everyone associated with a school--students,
teachers, administrators, board members, parents) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Bradbury, Ray. Dandelion Wine (beautifully
written vignettes about a boy growing up in the
Midwest in the summer of 1928) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Clavell, James. The Children's Story (short, chilling tale about manipulation of children's minds) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Andrew. The School Story (a gifted sixth grader writes a
"great" middle school novel and gets it
published by a major publisher)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Dahlberg, Maurine F. Play to the Angel (a young musician battles many obstacles in 1939 Vienna) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Salsa Stories (stories -- and recipes! -- that introduce
readers to Latin American culture)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Hale, Edward Everett. The Man Without A Country (story that prompts readers to
reflect on patriotism and justice) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Hautzig, Esther. The Endless Steppe
(bittersweet true story of a young girl who
maintained courage and hope despite her family being
uprooted from their home in Poland and taken across
the steppe to Siberia in 1941) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Juster, Norton. The Phantom Tollbooth (a
linguistic delight and fantastic adventure which
offers many valuable lessons about life) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Lasky, Kathryn. Christmas After All: The Great Depression Diary of Minnie Swift (a book in Scholastic's Dear America series)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Lowry, Lois. The Giver (thought-provoking
account of life in a fictitious society very
different from ours--or is it? winner of many
awards, including the Newbery) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de. The Little Prince
(French classic celebrating the wisdom of innocence)
Sandburg, Carl. Rootabaga Stories, Part One (whimsical
tales written by America's famous poet for his
daughters) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Patriots Series (fictionalized biographies of American
heroes, including plausible childhood adventures)
Asher, Sandy. Where Do You Get Your Ideas?: Favorite Authors Reveal Their Writing Secrets
Cassedy, Sylvia. In Your Own Words: A Beginner's Guide to Writing *
Marcia S.
Listen to This: Developing an Ear for Expository
("An Expository Writing Primer" and models to
help you improve your expository writing)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile".
Goldstein, Janet M. and Beth Johnson. Voices and Values: A Reader for Writers
(forty thought-provoking essays with exercises to help students develop their
reading, writing, and thinking skills; recommended for junior high through
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile".
Heiligman, Deborah. The New York Public Library Kid's Guide to Research (selecting a topic,
evaluating sources, finding information in all kinds of media, sending
for information, and
conducting interviews, surveys, and experiments) Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Henderson, Kathy. The Market Guide for Young Writers: Where and How to Sell What You Write (information on preparing and submitting manuscripts;
markets and contests)
Janeczko, Paul B. How To Write Poetry  Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
Van Allsburg, Chris. The Mysteries of Harris Burdick (fourteen haunting drawings, each with a
caption and story title)
Levine, Dr. Mel. Keeping A Head in School: A Student's Book About Learning Abilities and Learning Disorders
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
For the Youngest
ABC: A Child's First Alphabet Book
(includes art that will delight and excite both
children and adults as they explore the alphabet)
Fran's Review in "LinguaPhile"
1-2-3: A Child's First Counting Book
(features scenes from ten famous fairy tales -- and
many things to count)
Suggest a Book
If you have a book that you think will be helpful
to our visitors, please send its title, author, and a
brief description of it to