![]() LinguaPhile, March 2002A monthly e-mail newsletter nurturing the development and enjoyment of English language arts at home and at school. IN THIS ISSUE . . .March Literary CalendarAny of these events might spawn further study. Women's History Month A few of the many sites that give a lot of information about
Women's History Month and remarkable women in many fields are Celebrate this week: 1, 1904 birthday of Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss). For little-known
facts about Dr. Seuss, see the March 2001 "LinguaPhile": LOOKING AHEAD: April is Poetry Month. To begin planning your
celebration, see the April 2001 issue of "LinguaPhile," which
focused on poetry: ************************* Quote of the Month: Reading and WritingRead! Read! Read! And then read some more. When you find
something that thrills you, take it apart paragraph by paragraph,
line by line, word by word, to see what made it so wonderful.
Then use those tricks the next time you write. ************************* Expand Your Vocabulary: SusurrousA susurrous breeze obscured other sounds outdoors. Susurrous is a wonderful onomatopoeic adjective that means "having a whispering or rustling sound." Leaves, flowing water, and some fabrics are among the things that could be described as "susurrous." The noun forms are susurrus and susurration, and the verb is susurrate. A second adjective form, susurrant, seems inferior to susurrous since it lacks the final /s/. Reviewers of Hands-On English have said that the vocabulary section alone is worth the book's modest purchase price. Learn more -- and place your order -- at http://www.GrammarAndMore.com/product/hoe.htm ************************* Q and A: Writing Academic DegreesQuestion: I have several questions about the correct way to write academic degrees. Should they be capitalized at any time other than when using abbreviations? Should the abbreviations be followed by periods? Which is the correct usage -- "bachelor degree in computer science" or "bachelor's degree in computer science"? Answer: As a credential following a person's name, academic degrees are written with capital letters: Bachelor of Arts or B.A. (or even A.B.); Master of Arts, M.A., or A.M.; Bachelor of Science, B.S., or S.B. If you're simply referring to the degree, though, it would not be capitalized: bachelor's degree, master's degree. The degrees are usually written with periods. I would think, though, that the use of periods would be governed by the style of the text as a whole. In some cases periods are simply omitted (after units of measure or in addresses, for example). Another question that arises with some of these degrees (and with other abbreviations as well) is whether they should be preceded by a or an. Remember that the choice of article is governed by the first sound of the word that follows. There is no doubt about "B.A."; whether it is read as an abbreviation or as "Bachelor of Arts," it clearly begins with a consonant sound and should be preceded by a. "M.A." is another matter. If you read "M.A." aloud as two letters, it should be preceded by an since the first sound of the abbreviation is /e/. If you read "M.A." as "Master of Arts," however, the first sound is /m/, and it should be preceded by a. If you are writing "M.A." with an article before it, you must take your best guess as to how it will be read (or hope that the reader will follow your lead). Hands-On English will put a wealth of information at your fingertips so that you can quickly find what you need to know about grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and more. Get details -- and place your order -- at http://www.GrammarAndMore.com/product/hoe.htm We invite your questions for this feature: mailto:Fran@GrammarAndMore.com ************************* Upcoming ExhibitsConferences are a great place to If you will be attending one of these conferences, be sure to stop by the Portico Books booth to say hello to Fran. Take your friends along!
• March 8-9: Home Educators' Conference, Bloomingdale, IL ************************* Looking Ahead to the 2002-2003 School YearEducators are already beginning to plan for the next school year. As you select English books for your students, be sure to consider Hands-On English. While this is a valuable resource for teachers, it is even more effective when it is directly in the hands of the students. Having the information at their fingertips helps students develop independence and confidence with English. A copy of Hands-On English for each student makes the teacher's job easier as well. When students can quickly find and understand the information they need, teachers can more easily meet the diverse needs of students in their classes. Substantial discounts are available on quantity purchases. Orders can be placed by phone, fax, snail mail or Internet. http://www.GrammarAndMore.com/product/hoe.htm If you have questions, mailto:Fran@GrammarAndMore.com or call (toll free) 1-888-641-5353. This number will also accept fax orders. ************************* Review: Voices and Values: A Reader for Writers by Janet M. Goldstein and Beth JohnsonIn their new book, Voices and Values: A Reader for Writers, former teachers Janet M. Goldstein and Beth Johnson have achieved at least three objectives, any one of which would have been praiseworthy: They have compiled forty thought-provoking essays that will appeal to young people; they have designed activities to help students develop their reading, thinking, and writing skills; they have selected essays that, without preaching, celebrate human values such as kindness, gratitude, personal growth, fairness, responsibility, compassion, common sense, and moderation. Voices and Values is based on the premise that reading and writing are interrelated skills. Central to the book is the principle of "point and support" that underlies most successful reading and writing. By examining how a point is made and supported in a reading selection, students not only improve their reading ability but also learn how to use the same technique in their own writing. The essays are organized into five units: Overcoming Obstacles, Understanding Ourselves, Relating to Others, Educating Ourselves, and Examining Social Issues (such as the lottery, television, smoking, and drinking). An alternate table of contents groups the essays according to their method of development: narration, description, example, process, definition, division and classification, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, and argument and persuasion. The exercises that accompany each reading selection virtually guarantee student success. First, a short "Preview" paragraph provides helpful background information and arouses interest in the essay. A list of "Words to Watch" (with their paragraph location and definition) prepares students for challenging vocabulary. Following each essay are three suggestions for a ten-minute free-writing activity. The authors suggest that these "First Impressions" not be handed in to the instructor. This writing provides an opportunity for students to respond to the selection, perhaps clarifying their own thinking. In addition, this prepares students to participate in discussions about the essay and also to write a paragraph or essay on a topic related to the reading. Each selection is also followed by multiple-choice Vocabulary and Reading Checks. Vocabulary words are always presented in context. Reading Checks include questions in four areas: Central Point and Main Idea, Key Supporting Details, Inferences, and The Writer's Craft. The objective questions are followed by open-ended activities: four Discussion Questions, two Paragraph Assignments, and two Essay Assignments. Students are offered gentle guidance in the form of possible topic sentences, thesis statements, or supporting points. Often several possibilities are included so that students are, in fact, making a selection, not simply adopting a given. Introductory chapters titled "Becoming a Better Reader" and "Becoming a Better Writer" orient students to the format of the book and provide a number of helpful strategies. The book also includes twenty additional writing assignments that provide opportunities for students to write essays based on pairs of reading selections. Voices and Values would be an excellent text for reading and/or writing classes. The book's reading level ranges from grade 7 to grade 13. While Voices and Values was originally written for a college and secondary audience, many of the essays would be appropriate for mature younger students. An Instructor's Edition is identical to the Student Edition except that it includes answers to activities in the introductory chapters and to the Vocabulary and Reading Checks. An Instructor's Manual, which does not include the essays or activities, includes all answers (even suggested answers to the discussion questions), teaching suggestions, and ten guided writing assignments. Published by Townsend Press © 2002. 479 pages. Townsend Press
offers other excellent products to help students develop skill in
reading, writing, and vocabulary.
Available from Amazon.com: Voices and Values: A Reader for Writers ************************* Activities for Newspapers-in-Education Week1. A newspaper scavenger hunt can introduce students to the wealth of information a newspaper contains. Some of the items will also help them develop their scanning skills. Having students work in teams of 3 or 4, with one newspaper per team, works well. Have each team find the items on a list similar to the one below. Team members should record the page where they find each item. You might also want them to use a brightly colored marker to circle the item in the newspaper. (You will induce students to work in a more organized way if you require that they return the newspaper to you with its pages and sections in order.) a. newspaper's index 2. Cut headlines off their stories. In an envelope put five to ten news stories; list their headlines on a separate sheet (to prevent this from becoming merely a puzzle-fitting activity). Have students match the story with the headline. 3. Cut a short news story into paragraphs. Have students put the paragraphs in order. 4. Have students rewrite a familiar story, such as "The Three Little Pigs" or "Cinderella," as a news story, being careful to put the 4 W's in the first paragraph. Most fairy tales could be written as a series of news stories with each one reporting the latest news as the story unfolds. The highlights of the new information should be reported in the opening paragraph with minor details -- as well as background information -- in subsequent paragraphs. Using newspaper articles as models for this activity will improve students' reading of that genre as well as their writing of it. Hands-On English and The Activity Book help you break the writing
process into manageable steps and find the information you need
to edit effectively. To get more details -- and to order --
http://www.GrammarAndMore.com/product/hoe.htm (Hands-On English) ************************* Puzzler: CryptoquoteEach letter in the following quotation stands for some other
letter. Each A represents the same letter, each B represents the
same letter, etc. However, there is no relationship between the
letter represented by one letter and the letter represented by
another letter. (For example, if A represents S, there is no
reason to think that B will represent T.) To solve this type of
puzzle, look for patterns -- within words and within the
sentence. Warning: Cryptograms can be addictive! You can find
other cryptoquotes in the September 2000 and the March 2001
i. Van Buren ************************* Thank you for reading. If you find LinguaPhile helpful and interesting, don't keep it a secret! Consider which of your friends would also enjoy it, and send them information about subscribing. We welcome your comments and suggestions: fran@GrammarAndMore.com. The index to LinguaPhile, which is updated monthly, is now
available in either a text or .doc format on the GrammarAndMore Web site: © 2002 Fran Santoro Hamilton |
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