![]() Recommended Web SitesEnglish LanguageAGLOA (Academic Games League of America) (language arts, math, and
social studies games for home or school; local and national
competitions) Bethump'd
(the Bethump'd with Words series [games about words and the story
of English], Bethump'd with History, and Feilong: The China Game.
Visitors to GrammarAndMore qualify for a 10 percent discount on
purchases made online or by phone [toll-free 888-496-4094]. Please
use Coupon No. GAM888.) Chiasmus (a wealth of information about this rhetorical device that
inverts the order of words in otherwise parallel phrases; from Dr. Mardy
Grothe, who has studied this phenomenon for a decade) English
on a Roll (an innovative new tool for teaching grammar,
syntax, parts of speech, and punctuation; especially
effective for ESL, special education, and basic
literacy) Idioms (Learn the origin, as well as the meaning, of hundreds of common idioms and expressions.) Oxymoronica
(a wealth of information about this rhetorical device
that celebrates the paradoxes in our world; from Dr.
Mardy Grothe)
Richard Lederer's Verbivore
SPELL (Society for the Preservation of English
Language and Literature)
Visual Thesaurus (See a word's "map," with parts of speech and word relationships as well as synonyms.) Well-Trained Mind (guidelines and resources for parents or teachers attempting to provide a classical education) World Wide Words (includes stories behind various words and phrases;
links to many other sites focusing on words) Your Dictionary (A linguaphile's delight! Access to more than 1500 online dictionaries representing 230 languages. Some dictionaries are in
specialized fields; some offer translation. The Fun and Games page, which includes a Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia, is of special interest.) ESL
English Practice (an interactive site with free
exercises, idioms, common abbreviations, slang,
proverbs, and much more)
Many Things (an interactive site featuring quizzes,
word games, puzzles, a daily page, and much more;
especially valuable for its 280 common American
slang expressions [however, finding a particular
expression would be a challenge])
Self-Study Quizzes for ESL Students (an interactive
site that includes about 1,000 quizzes on a variety
of topics and of varying difficulty) ReadingAcademy of American Poets (biographical information, text of nearly
1,000 poems, audio renditions, discussion groups, events, and more)
Autographed By Author (order autographed copies
direct from your favorite authors) Bookcrossing.com (a unique program for sharing books and your ideas
about them through journaling and recycling)
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site
(recommended reading)
The Children's Literature Web Guide (recommended
America Series (find all of the titles in
Scholastic's four fictional biography series for
girls and boys -- plus a wide array of extension
Dorbooks (books and games to develop decoding and
spelling skills for children and adults) ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center; resources for parents
and teachers in reading, English, and communication)
The Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration (annually published
collections of historical family stories written by young people in
grades 4 through 8; an index of all stories published helps you
find stories on particular topics to enhance curriculum)
and Reading (articles and tips to help children
enjoy reading and improve their reading ability)
Landmark Editions (books for students by students; also publishes The
Emotional Impact Series, self-help books, and high interest books)
Great news! The Written and Illustrated by . . .
Contest for kids 6-19 has been revived!
Picture Books (5,000 picture books searchable by topic) Planet Esme (Esmé Raji Codell recommends books and activities to get children to love reading)
Poet's Paradise: A Collection of Helpful Resources (links to sites
about famous poets, types of poetry, poetry collections, teacher
and reference resources, and poetry and literary organizations)
Reading Skills and Great Books for Kids (a page of links to a
wealth of information -- recommended books for kids of all ages,
summaries and notes for some popular books, strategies for
improving reading skills, even guidance for writing short stories)
Reading Tub (tm) (a not-for-profit company that promotes
literacy by publishing book reviews written by parents and kids.
This helps you find books your family will enjoy -- so that you
can spend more time reading with your family and less time
searching for appropriate books. Your family might even want to
get involved in the review process!)
Stories for Kids Who Love Reading (links to text of children's
books, lists of books recommended for children and young adults,
information about children's authors, writing topics and tips)
Trelease on Reading (the read-aloud guru presents
information about reading in addition to
recommending books and linking to other sites that
recommend more books) WritingBiography Maker (step-by-step process for converting facts to a lively story)
The Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration (submission of
historical family stories written by young people in grades 4
through 8 might lead to publication in annual collection; site
includes helpful resources, including stories published previously)
A Guide to the Types of Essays (topics and tips for writing
persuasive/argumentative essays, expository essays,
cause-and-effect essays, compare-and-contrast essays, literary
essays, and informal essays) Handwriting Without Tears (an occupational therapist offers many tips for improving penmanship -- as well as a multisensory instructional program)
Poet's Paradise: A Collection of Helpful Resources (includes links
to pages that help in writing various kinds of poems)
(information about punctuating correctly, celebrating
National Punctuation Day®, and
Punctuation Playtime® --
an assembly program for elementary school children)
Reading Skills and Great Books for Kids (includes links to a number
of sites that provide guidance for writing short stories) Research Papers (helps you select a topic and begin online research)
Papers (a clear and comprehensive -- but not overwhelming --
guide to all stages of writing research papers) Scrapbooking
(a great resource for scrapbooking ideas, scrapbook
poems, free scrapbook pages, free scrapbook downloads,
and more!)
Skills and Strategies for Web Researching (links to pages that
provide guidance on advanced search commands and strategies, and
subject-specific catalogs and databases)
Stories for Kids Who Love Reading (includes links to writing topics
and tips)
Writers' Online Community (for writers and readers of all interests
and skill levels) Writing Prompts (hundreds of ideas) Thinking
Puzzles, Floor Puzzles, Bible Puzzles, and Jigsaw Books
(a huge selection of wood puzzles and children's jigsaw
puzzles with a wide variety of pictures and themes) Situation Puzzles (A situation is described in a sentence or two. Those solving the puzzle -- a group works best -- ask yes/no questions to discover the explanation behind the situation. Great for developing logical thinking. These puzzles can quickly engage minds that might otherwise be idle -- around a campfire, in a car, during an unexpected
break in classroom activity, etc.) Educational Resources -- All Subjects
Resource Guide (resources for high school students, especially, to
improve their skills in various areas of language arts: grammar,
punctuation, writing, literary terms, vocabulary, reading, and
study skills. This page, which was recommended by high school
students in the Honors English class in the Green Mountain Central
School District in Vermont, will lead you to many different
websites—many of them at colleges and universities across the
United States.) The Teaching & Learning Center: Creative Resources for
Quality Education (a wealth of resources for teachers, students,
and families; much content is accessible only after paying a
modest subscription, but some is free; sign up for a free
one-day pass to explore the entire site before you subscribe) Special Challenges
Dyslexia (a wealth of information, including symptoms, assessments, and methods of instruction)
Educating Children with Dyslexia (links to a wealth of information
to help parents and teachers of people with dyslexia)
LD Online: The Interactive Guide to Learning
Disabilities for Parents, Teachers, and
Childrenhildren Optometrist's Network (information about vision problems -- therapy,
relation to learning difficulties, and referral to a developmental
optometrist in your area) P.A.V.E. (Parents Active for Vision Education; current research, reading
lists, pending legislation, support groups)
Wilson Language System (a highly structured
multisensory approach to reading and spelling that
has been used successfully with dyslexics of all
ages) Suggest a Web SiteIf you have a Web site that you think will be helpful to our visitors, please send your URL and a brief description of your site to info@GrammarAndMore.com. Please tell us why you think your site would interest our visitors. If, after exploring your site, we agree that it seems to match the needs of our audience, we will contact you regarding a reciprocal link.