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An e-mail newsletter nurturing the development and enjoyment of English
language arts at home and at school.
Grannie Annie, Vol. 3, the latest publication of The Grannie Annie
Family Story Celebration, is now at the printer's! Each of these anthologies
includes family stories written by young people after interviewing their family
Like the stories in the first two volumes, the twenty-six stories selected
for publication in Volume 3 bring history to life and help readers connect with
people in other places and other times, people whose lives may seem very
different from their own.
You can read the stories online and get a peek at how the book will look:
http://www.booksfromtheheart.com/grannieannie/stories.html . We believe that
the Grannie Annie anthologies are books you'll want to own -- so that you can
read the stories again and again, and share them with others. You can order your
copies of Grannie Annie on the Grammar and More website, on the Grannie
Annie website, or by calling (toll free) 1-888-641-5353.
The Grannie Annie anthologies make wonderful gifts for family members,
friends, teachers, senior citizens, libraries, literacy programs -- the list is
endless! (Reading stories that have been accepted for publication is a great
help to students who might want to submit a story to The Grannie Annie in the
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Flowers are nice. Going out to dinner is nice. But my experience is that a
simple expression of love and appreciation is what mothers most treasure. For
writing ideas for Mother's Day see
http://grammarandmore.com/edu/archive/issue22.htm#mday .
Giving your mother a copy of Grannie Annie would provide an opportunity
to learn more about her and about your family's history. Someone in your family
might interview her and submit her story for Grannie Annie, Vol. 4!
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The first full week of May is annually designated as Teacher Appreciation
Week -- and the first Tuesday of that week is National Teacher Day in the United
States. Take this opportunity to express your appreciation to a current or
former teacher.
Read about celebrities' most memorable teachers:
http://www.nea.org/teacherday/images/Complete_Thank_You_List_CC_042408.pdf .
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Hands-On English will be exhibited in the Combined Book Exhibit booth
at the National Education Association convention from July 1 to 3 at the
Washington (DC) Convention Center. If you will be attending this show -- or know
someone who will be -- please bring Hands-On English to the attention of
people looking for English language educational materials.
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If you are an educator in the throes of selecting curriculum for the
2008-2009 school year, consider providing your students with an English handbook
that makes grammar visual. With no grade-level designation, Hands-On English
works well with students fourth grade and older who are working to master the
basics of English. It is currently used in elementary schools, middle schools,
high schools, colleges, and adult ed programs. When students have quick access
to the information they need in order to use English correctly, they develop
independence and confidence with the language -- making the teacher's job easier
as well.
The Hands-On English program is on California's list of approved supplementary
materials for English and for ESL. Therefore it is eligible for purchase with AB
1802 funds. To see a complete table of contents and a few sample pages from the
handbook, click on the appropriate links at the bottom of this page:
http://grammarandmore.com/product/hoe.htm . To see how Hands-On English
aligns with California ELD and ELA standards, open the appropriate file on this
http://grammarandmore.com/edu/correlation-matrices-california-english.htm .
Volume sales qualify for substantial discounts. If you have questions about
Hands-On English or about placing your order, call Fran at 1-888-641-5353.
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If you have had difficulty finding Alison Jay's ABC: A Child's First
Alphabet Book (reviewed
in the September 2007 LinguaPhile), I have good news for you! The book is
now available as a board book. It has all the charm of the original hardbound
book -- plus pages sturdy enough to withstand all the use this book is bound to
Available from Amazon.com
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If an aspiring writer does not persevere, it's because writing is not his/her
passion. Everyone should find his or her passion, then pursue that, whatever it
is. . . . Or rather, once they find their passion, they should avoid forcing
themselves not to pursue it.
--Harvey Stanbrough, U.S. writer (1952- )
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Antinomy includes two Greek word
parts: anti- means "opposite of" or "against"; -nomy means
"distribution; arrangement; management." Familiar words containing this latter
word part are astronomy, economy, and taxonomy.
Antinomy is "a contradiction between two statements, both apparently
obtained by correct reasoning." Antinomies often occur in religion -- for
example, the doctrines of God's sovereignty and man's free will. Another example
of antinomy is the idea of Jesus being fully human and fully divine.
Hands-On English includes more than 200 morphemes, along with their
meanings and examples. Knowing the meanings of morphemes can help you unlock
hundreds of words the first time you encounter them. Reviewers of Hands-On
English have said that the vocabulary section alone is worth the book's
modest purchase price. Learn more -- and place your order -- at
http://www.GrammarAndMore.com/product/hoe.htm .
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Question: My son struggles with reading and can hardly wait for
school to be out. Yet every summer he loses much of what he gained the previous
year. How can I help him maintain his skills -- yet still enjoy his summer?
Answer: Indeed, enjoyment is a key factor in reading success (and in many other
activities as well). All of us prefer to spend our time succeeding rather than
struggling. And the more we practice many activities, the better we get at them.
Reading is no exception.
Do everything possible to make reading enjoyable for your son. Help him find
information on topics that interest him. (One book is likely to lead to
another.) Don't worry if the books he's reading seem "too easy" for him. Don't
worry if he isn't reading every word of a book and seems to be just "looking at
the pictures." If he is engaged with the content, he will benefit. Try to
involve your son in practical reading situations -- reading instructions,
reading information to help make a decision, etc.
It is important that your son see you -- and other adults -- reading. If he sees
that reading is valued by adults he respects, he will come to value it, too. You
might ease him into a new book by reading the first part of the book with him or
by providing helpful background material. You might also read a book on a
related topic so that you two can pool your knowledge.
Reading is a very complex activity with many subskills. If your son has
difficulty decoding (figuring out the words represented by the letters), be sure
to help him develop his comprehension skills in other ways -- through oral
activities, for example. Skills such as predicting, finding the main idea,
inferring, and seeing relationships can be developed apart from a reading
For more specific suggestions for helping children develop their reading skills,
see Fran's article "Improve Kids' Reading -- Even Without Books":
http://grammarandmore.com/about/press2.htm .
Hands-On English will put a wealth of information at your fingertips so
that you can quickly find what you need to know about grammar, usage,
capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and more. Get details -- and place your
order -- at
http://www.GrammarAndMore.com/product/hoe.htm .
We invite your questions for this feature:
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Don't Think of an Elephant by
George Lakoff is likely to give you new insight on politics in the United
Lakoff, a linguist, says that each of us has "frames," mental structures that,
unbeknownst to us, shape the way we view the world. A common metaphor giving
rise to some of these frames is that the nation is a family. (We speak of
"founding fathers," for example.) The main models of idealized family structure
are the "strict father" family, where children are taught to be obedient, and
the "nurturant parent" family (gender neutral), where children are encouraged to
find fulfillment. Although each of us is aware of both models, one is likely to
dominate. Sometimes a different model dominates in different situations, such as
at home and at work.
Lakoff makes the case that these disparate models of the family underlie the
difference between the political left and right, between progressives and
conservatives, between Democrats and Republicans. Furthermore, these models --
or frames -- shape our values and affect which policies we support. They
determine what we accept as "common sense." When we encounter facts that are
contrary to the frames we live by, the frames predominate and the incompatible
facts are disregarded. People tend to vote in accordance with their values and
their identity, even when that means voting against their own self-interest.
The title of the book is taken from Lakoff's assertion that in order to
successfully counter an opponent's platform, the issue must be reframed -- the
terminology must be changed. In fact, the subtitle of the book is Know Your
Values and Frame the Debate. When a person is told "Don't think of an
elephant," it is difficult to think of anything else. Likewise, when an issue is
attacked without being reframed, the original message is reinforced. We "think
of the elephant."
Don't Think of an Elephant is a very accessible book, less scholarly than
some of Lakoff's other works. It is likely to help readers understand why they
-- and others -- believe as they do, and it might help them to more effectively
articulate their views.
Published in 2004 by Chelsea Green Publishing. 124 pages.
Available from Amazon.com: Don't Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate
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Prepare for your summer vacation -- or simply take an armchair tour. Match
each nickname with its state.
1. The
Beehive State
2. The Centennial State
3. The Constitution State
4. The Equality State
5. The First State
6. The Gem State
7. The Golden State
8. The Granite State
9. The Last Frontier
10. The Natural State
11. The Ocean State
12. The Old Line State
13. The Palmetto State
14. The Peace Garden State
15. The Silver State
16. The Treasure State |
p. |
New Hampshire
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Wyoming |
Answer will appear in the next issue.
Answers to November Puzzler
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not
giving it. -- William Arthur Ward
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Thank you for reading! If you find
LinguaPhile helpful and interesting, don't keep it a secret! Consider which
of your friends would also enjoy it, and send them information about
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http://www.GrammarAndMore.com . People who have e-mail but do not have
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mailto:LinguaPhile@GrammarAndMore.com .
We welcome your comments and suggestions:
The index to LinguaPhile, which is updated regularly, is available on the
GrammarAndMore website:
http://www.GrammarAndMore.com/edu/archive/index.txt . This makes the
information from previous issues readily accessible. You are encouraged to print
the index for your convenience and to share it with friends. Why not send them
the URL?
LinguaPhile is a gift you can give, yet still have for yourself!
Copyright 2008 Fran Santoro Hamilton