![]() LinguaPhile, September 2002A monthly e-mail newsletter nurturing the development and enjoyment of English language arts at home and at school. IN THIS ISSUE . . .Register Now for FREE Online Writing CourseIt is not too late to register for "Make Your Voice Heard: Express Your Ideas Effectively." Although the course is already in progress, you can work through the seven lessons at your own pace. The course is appropriate for junior high or high school students as well as for adults. To register, go to http://eagleforumu.org/EAGLEFORUMU/ (Registering for the course will put your name only on the list of people who receive notices that the lessons are posted -- not on any other e-mail or snail mail list.) ************************* Follow-Up: mootLast month's discussion of moot prompted some interesting and enlightening responses: This one question brings up several things that people ought to know about their dictionaries. First of all, no mention is made of which Webster's dictionary this is: Is it Merriam-Webster? If so, which edition? Is it Webster's New World? Is it another Webster altogether -- "Webster" is not a trademark, and any publisher can use it for their dictionary. These definitions seem to be from an older edition of Merriam- Webster's Dictionary (the current edition is the 10th). This is a dictionary arranged with the oldest meanings first, so more common and more modern usages are often further down in the entry. You need to read the front matter of your dictionary before using it, just as you would read the instructions for a power tool. The New Oxford American Dictionary (2001) has a definition which I feel clears up the confusion: "subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty, and typically not admitting of a final decision: whether the temperature rise was mainly due to the greenhouse effect was a moot point." So a moot point can be argued, but why? It cannot be decided. Bryan Garner's Dictionary of Modern American Usage (1998) has
this to say about moot: We can learn several things from this question, besides the answer: one, know your dictionary. Two, use current, recently published reference books, and three, do exactly what this reader did -- when in doubt, look it up, and when really in doubt, ask! Erin McKean *** There are in English a number of words called "contranyms," words that have taken on new meanings that are almost the opposite of their traditional ones. Moot is such a word. The OED lists only one sense for moot: "...can be argued, debatable, not decided, doubtful." The OED dates the word to 1572. Around 1900 moot began to take on another sense: "of no practical importance, hypothetical, academic." Some authorities, e.g., Bernstein, reject the "new" meaning even though it seems well established. My guess is that the first sense is about to disappear. Although we still hear moot used in the traditional sense, the new sense is prevalent, and I would venture a guess that the traditional sense is about to fade away. The way I have heard moot used most often is in a sentence such as "That's a moot point," meaning it's not relevant. A traditionalist would say, "The point is not moot," meaning about the same thing. Thus, the opposing meanings. My law dictionary gives the first definition, but it defines "moot question" as "an academic question," something that cannot be answered by "referring to established rights and facts." Richard Dowis Editor's Note: Examining the history of moot certainly helped to explain its opposite meanings: Law students debated "moot points," but since their cases were only hypothetical, they were of no consequence. I am grateful to Erin and Richard for their valuable information. ************************* Quote of the Month: ReadingI suggest that the only books that influence us are those for
which we are ready, and which have gone a little further down our
particular path than we have gone ourselves. ************************* Expand Your Vocabulary: opsimathyWith the growing number of senior citizens and the increase in continuing education classes available to them, we should anticipate a surge of opsimathy in our society. Opsimathy (/op SIM uh thee/) means "learning late in life." A person who begins learning late in life is an opsimath (/OP si math/). The words are rooted in the Greek opsi, meaning "late," and math, meaning "learning." While life-long learning is desirable, procrastinating schoolchildren should not set opsimathy as their goal. Reviewers of Hands-On English have said that the vocabulary section alone is worth the book's modest purchase price. Learn more -- and place your order -- at http://www.GrammarAndMore.com/product/hoe.htm ************************* Q and A: Literature Circle Books on U.S. HistoryQuestion: Do you have any suggestions for literature circle books on U.S. history for grades 3 through 7? Answer: Literature is a wonderful enhancement to the study of history. Eras can come to life -- even in historical fiction -- in ways that they cannot when the emphasis is on isolated facts. Each of us probably has personal favorites that depict certain periods. Sounder by William Armstrong is one of mine (grade 5 and up). Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes vividly describes events preceding the Revolutionary War. However, many students find the book heavy. The pioneer spirit is well represented with Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan, Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink, My Antonia by Willa Cather, and the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Patria Press (http://www.patriapress.com/) publishes fictionalized biographies that depict the childhoods of Americans who later became famous for their contributions. In Times Past by Carol Otis Hurst and Rebecca Otis is an encyclopedia for integrating U.S. history with literature in grades 3 through 8. You can find subjects and themes, as well as a list of books recommended, at http://www.carolhurst.com/subjects/ushistory/ushistory.html Many of the recommended books also have suggested activities. Another helpful site, which has 5,000 picture books searchable by topic, is http://www.lib.muohio.edu/pictbks/ Hands-On English will put a wealth of information at your fingertips so that you can quickly find what you need to know about grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and more. Get details -- and place your order -- at http://www.GrammarAndMore.com/product/hoe.htm We invite your questions for this feature: mailto:Fran@GrammarAndMore.com ************************* Do You Have Your Hands-On English?For Teachers If you're not already using Hands-On English materials as your principal language arts curriculum, why not order the "Package" as a supplement to your present program? The "Package" includes Hands-On English (a handbook that provides quick access to English fundamentals and makes grammar visual by using icons to represent parts of speech), The Activity Book (158 reproducible pages), and Hands-On Sentences (a card game that gives practice with parts of speech and sentence construction). Using the materials as a supplement is an excellent way to try
them out. You'll see what a tremendous benefit it would be for
each student to have a personal copy of Hands-On English. Substantial discounts are available on quantity purchases. You can order by phone, fax, Internet, or snail mail. Visa and MasterCard are accepted; schools or other institutions can use a purchase order. If you have questions, mailto:Fran@GrammarAndMore.com or call Fran at 1-888-641-5353. (Use this same number for phone and fax orders.) * * * For Parents and Others People who have Hands-On English at their fingertips will
quickly be able to find answers to questions they may have about
sentence structure, usage, capitalization, punctuation, outlines,
bibliography form, and more. They will learn how to study
efficiently so that they can get the most from their textbooks in
the least amount of time, and they will learn how to break the
writing process into manageable units. This valuable resource
will facilitate completion of homework. (You might want to order
one copy for each child and an additional copy as a resource for
yourself.) Ordering as few as six copies will qualify you for a quantity discount. You can order by phone, fax, Internet, or snail mail. Visa and MasterCard are accepted; schools or other institutions can use a purchase order. If you have questions, mailto:Fran@GrammarAndMore.com or call (toll free) 1-888-641-5353. (Use this same number for phone and fax orders.) ************************* "For School Success, Don't Coddle Your Kids"Whether you are an educator or a parent, you will find these two dozen tips helpful in promoting a successful school year for students. Find the printable version at http://www.grammarandmore.com/tips/printschool.htm If you are an educator, you might want to give this to parents at back-to-school night. If you are the parent of a school child, use the article yourself and share it with your friends. ************************* Finding Picture Books to Meet Your NeedsExcellent resources are available to help you find picture books to enhance class activities. These can be used with students of all ages -- even adults. They can supplement all curricular areas, including character education. In addition, they can help people deal with difficult emotional issues. One of the most comprehensive books in the field is A To Zoo: Subject Access to Children's Picture Books The Children's Literature Dictionary: Definitions, Resources, and Learning Activities Using Picture Storybooks to Teach Literary Devices: Recommended Books for Children and Young Adults (Volume Two) This resource also includes useful appendices. The sources are
listed alphabetically by title (with author, publisher, copyright
date, and targeted literary devices). In addition, the books are
listed by artistic styles and techniques (cartoon, impressionism,
realism, and six others) and by curricular tie-in (including
subcategories as well as major subject areas). Finally, an index
includes titles, authors, and literary terms in one alphabetical
list. While I was able to examine only Volume 2 of this book, Volume 3 (published in 2002) sounds as if it has a similar format and would also be an excellent resource. It includes 41 literary devices and 120 "well-reviewed" books, most of them published within the last few years. The following Web page lists several resources for each of ten literary
devices: ************************* Using Picture Books to Teach Literary DevicesPicture books can effectively illustrate literary devices, even for students older than the audience for whom the books were originally intended. Because the books are short, development of a concept over an entire book can be examined in a few minutes. The following picture books, in addition to telling a good story, provide
clear examples of the devices indicated (perhaps other devices as well). While
you will not find all of these titles on the shelf at your favorite bookstore,
most of them are available by special order, from your local library, or
from Amazon.com Flashback Miss Rumphius Pink and Say The House on Maple Street The Promise by Larry Johnston. At calving time a farmer enlists the help of a young neighbor girl who has a special talent for dealing with cows. This story employs several flashbacks, one to the immediate past, another to a time decades earlier that directly affects events in the present. Foreshadowing Shortcut The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau Point of View The True Story of the Three Little Pigs! by A. Wolf The First Song Ever Sung by Laura Krauss Melmed. A young boy asks various relatives -- and a few animals, "What was the first song ever sung?" Their different replies reflect different points of view. Mandy The Wall Sachiko Means Happiness Not picture books, but such exceptional examples that they cannot be ignored: Nothing But The Truth: A Documentary Novel The Pigman Each of these two books is recommended for students sixth grade and older. Symbolism Fly Away Home The Lotus Seed The Rag Coat A Baker's Portrait Kinda Blue If you have books that you like to use to illustrate these or other literary devices, please send me information about them (the kinds of information included in the entries above). Fran@GrammarAndMore.com I will publish your suggestions in a future issue of LinguaPhile and will be happy to give you credit for your contributions; just include the identification you would prefer, such as name, teacher or homeschooler, city, e-mail address. ************************* Puzzler: ContranymsChallenge your brain to think in opposite directions simultaneously. Can you think of one word (same spelling, same pronunciation) for each pair of opposite meanings? Example: to remove particles from; to spread particles on (dust -- dust the table, dust the roses) 1. rapidly from place to place; firmly in one place Answers next month. Answers to August Puzzler Some words that name both colors and things: burgundy, flesh, gold, green, lavender, lemon, lilac, lime, navy, olive, peach, pink, plum, rose, salmon, shrimp, silver, slate, tan, tangerine, violet. ************************* Thank you for reading. If you find LinguaPhile helpful and interesting, don't keep it a secret! Consider which of your friends would also enjoy it, and send them information about subscribing. We welcome your comments and suggestions: fran@GrammarAndMore.com. The index to LinguaPhile, which is updated monthly, is now
available in either a text or .doc format on the GrammarAndMore Web site: © 2002 Fran Santoro Hamilton |
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