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 Media Appearances of Fran Hamilton
Sample Media Interview Questions
"Fran Hamilton is a delightful radio guest, who not only knows her
subject well, but is adept at helping the listener to understand it.
Fran is easy to interview, answering questions about the mysteries of
the English language with humor." Jim Cox, KEZK News Director, St.
Louis, MO
Fran is
available for media interviews by calling 636-527-2822 or
emailing her at fran@grammarandmore.com.
Unless otherwise specified in the list below, the interview was about Hands-On English and the English language.
11/24/10 KWMU-FM, St. Louis "St. Louis on the Air" (1 hour with call-ins; about
National Day of Listening, and preserving and sharing family stories)
11/25/09 KWMU-FM, St. Louis "St. Louis on the Air" (1 hour with call-ins;
about National Day of Listening, and preserving and sharing family stories)
11/26/08 KWMU-FM, St. Louis "St. Louis on the
Air" (1 hour with call-ins; about National Day of Listening and
preserving and sharing family stories)
12/20/07 KWMU-FM, St. Louis "St. Louis on the
Air" (1 hour with call-ins; about preserving and sharing family
12/7/06 KWMU-FM, St. Louis "St. Louis on the
Air" (1 hour with call-ins; about preserving and sharing family
6/2/06 WGNU, St. Louis "Authors on the Air" (1
hour about preserving and sharing family stories)
Week of 1/9/06 Homeschool Talk Radio (30 minutes; about preserving
and sharing family stories)
12/19/05 KWMU-FM, St. Louis "St. Louis on the Air" (1 hour with
call-ins; about preserving and sharing family stories)
8/21/04 Syndicated. "Phyllis Schlafly Live" (1 hour with call-ins;
about using English correctly)
6/1/02 Syndicated "Phyllis Schlafly Live" (1 hour with call-ins; about
parents nurturing their children's language development)
12/22/01 Syndicated "Phyllis Schlafly Live" (1 hour with call-ins; about
using English correctly)
6/17/01 KEZK-FM, St. Louis "Close Up with Jim Cox" (30 minutes; about
things parents can do to help children improve their reading)
6/4/01 KWMU-FM (NPR) "St. Louis on the Air" (1 hour with call-ins; about
things parents can do to enrich their children's summer without making
them feel like they're in school)
3/6/01 KWMU-FM (NPR) "St. Louis on the Air" (1 hour with call-ins; about self-publishing and the St. Louis Publishers Association)
3/6/00 KWMU-FM (NPR) "St. Louis on the Air" (1 hour with call-ins; about self-publishing and the St. Louis Publishers Association)
8/29/99 KEZK-FM, St. Louis "Close Up with Jim Cox" (15 minutes; about things parents can do to help their children succeed in school)
8/29/99 WIL-FM, St. Louis "Dialogue" (30 minutes; about things parents can do to help their children succeed in school)
8/12/99 WOC-AM (Davenport, IA) "Albracht in the A.M." (20 minutes live)
8/10/99 WMT-AM (Cedar Rapids, IA) (15 minutes live)
8/9/99 KWMU-FM (NPR) "St. Louis on the Air" (1 hour with call-ins; about things parents can do to help their children succeed in school)
8/8/99 KOEL-FM, KCRR, KKCV (Waterloo, IA) (10 minutes)
7/11/99 WTLC (Indianapolis) "Community Connection" (1/2 hour; about things parents can do to help their children succeed in school)
7/9/99 WICR-FM (PRI-Indianapolis) "Indiana Today" (20 minutes, live)
2/25/99 KMOX-AM, St. Louis (15 minutes with call-ins)
11/15/98 WIL-FM, St. Louis "Dialogue" (1/2 hour)
11/11/98 KWMU-FM (NPR) "St. Louis on the Air" (1 hour with call-ins)
10/25/98 KTRS-AM, St. Louis (7 minutes, live)
10/11/98 KEZK-FM, St. Louis "Close Up with Jim Cox" (1/2 hour)
4/20/00 KSDK-TV "Show Me St. Louis" (2 1/2 minutes; about
self-publishing and the St. Louis Publishers Association)
12/ 2/98 KSDK-TV "Today in St. Louis" (2 1/2 minutes, live)